Term of office: Appointed as Chairman on 23 August 2013; Chair of the Audit and Nomination Committees and a member of the Remuneration Committee.
Background and suitability for the role: Prior to becoming Chairman Mark had fulfilled positions of non-executive director and CFO within Journeo. Mark has had a long executive career in the technology and corporate finance sectors, including finance and management roles operating in Europe, the USA and South Africa. He also has extensive AIM experience having brought two technology companies to this market together with associated fund raises. He therefore brings a long experience of governance, public markets and investor relations.
Current external appointments: Non-executive Director of Malvern International plc, Chairman of Trustees of Union Discount Retirement Benefit Scheme and trustee of two charities, the National Benevolent Society of Watch and Clockmakers and the Metropolitan Drinking Fountain and Cattle Trough Association.
Time commitment: Two to three days per month.