This information is disclosed for the purposes of AIM Rule 26 and is reviewed regularly.  The information was last reviewed and updated on 20 May 2024.

Business detail

Principal activities

The Group’s principal activities are being a specialist provider of tailored solutions to the transport community, solving complex operational requirements both on and off the vehicle.

Fleet solutions include video surveillance to improve passenger and driver safety, vehicle and driver performance monitoring, passenger Wi-Fi and automatic passenger counting.

Passenger information solutions include the necessary hardware and software for electronic passenger information systems, off-vehicle smart ticketing and wayfinding.

Country of incorporation and main country of operation

Journeo plc (“Journeo”) is incorporated in England (registered number: 2974642), which is also its main country of operation.

Takeovers and mergers

The Company is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers.

The Group’s principal activities are being a specialist provider of tailored solutions to the transport community, solving complex operational requirements both on and off the vehicle.

Share detail

The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE:JNEO) and is not listed on any other exchanges or trading platforms.

For information about securities in issue and major shareholders, please visit our Major shareholders page.

For share price information, please visit our Share price data page.


For the latest presentations and reports from Journeo, please visit our Reports and presentations page.

Download the Articles of association for Journeo plc.


All members of the Board believe strongly in the value and importance of good corporate governance and in our accountability to all Journeo plc (Journeo) stakeholders, including shareholders, staff, clients and suppliers.

The corporate governance framework which the group operates, including board leadership and effectiveness, board remuneration, and internal control is based upon practices which the board believes are proportional to the size, risks, complexity and operations of the business and is reflective of the group’s values. Of the two widely recognised formal codes, we have decided to adhere to the Quoted Companies Alliance’s (QCA) Corporate Governance Code for small and mid-size quoted companies (revised in April 2018 to meet the new requirements of AIM Rule 26).

Read more about Governance and corporate social responsibility.

Connected systems, for connected journeys.