Through innovation and design Journeo has developed a market-leading portfolio of solutions specifically created for the challenging environment of today’s public transport industry.

Our solutions are widely implemented by some of Europe’s largest transport operators who value the reliability and quality of the service and solutions that are delivered by Journeo.

Share price
View share price data for Journeo (LSE:JNEO) from the London Stock Exchange.
Investment case
Journeo competes by being an open technology provider combining extensive market and technical knowledge to offer market-leading, cost-effective solutions.
Reports, Presentations and Circulars to Shareholders
Read or download the latest reports, accounts and investor presentations from Journeo.
Shareholder Information
Key information for shareholders in Journeo.
RNS announcements
The latest Regulatory News Service (RNS) announcements made by Journeo.
Aim Rule 26
Information updated for the purposes of AIM Rule 26.
Small Cap Awards 2024
Journeo plc wins Transaction of the Year
AIM Awards 2023
Journeo plc scoops another award

Connected systems, for connected journeys.